TrustMed Israel specializes in handling international patients and has over a decade of experience in this sphere.
We handle patients from any country and every language, comprehensively addressing all medical problems. Patient support throughout the process is personal and we put a lot of efforts to ensure that even though patients are far from home, they feel at home with us.
Our broad experience with international patients allows us to understand the personal and medical needs of a patient in a foreign country. We therefore place emphasis on efficient, fast handling of processes throughout the medical procedures, and remain available to the patient at all times.
How can you receive medical treatment and services in Israel?
- Initially you contact TrustMed’s medical team via an Internet form, by email, or by telephone.Questions or medical background can be attached to your inquiry.
- Once the inquiry is received, a company staff member will respond immediately. The company staffer will contact you by email and telephone to provide the service needed and respond to your needs.
- Next you will be asked to transfer existing medical records and/or provide a case history to the company staff. The material can be relayed electronically by email or web uploads. Pathological material can be send via courier.
- A team of specialists in the relevant medical field will analyze the case and check existing test results. TrustMed Israel’s medical staff will thoroughly review all the material sent, and the recommended treatment. We consult with top-level specialists as required.
- Structuring the treatment protocol in accordance with test quality and results. If the tests are of a sufficiently suitable quality, the specialists will structure a recommended treatment protocol for the patient.
- The medical team will provide a recommendation that includes a description of the anticipated treatment, cost estimation, and presiding physician. The company provides a detailed written proposal delineating the nature of the treatment and/or recommended tests, subject to medical developments in your condition and test findings.
- Coordinating tests and appointments by company staff, at the your convenience. Once you have authorized the proposal, company staff will contact you and set up a treatment schedule and relevant arrangements.
- Your arrival in Israel for treatment, and constant company support throughout the process.From the moment that you land in Israel, company staff meets you and will present you with the treatment plan and schedule. You are allocated a contact person who will be available at all times, and present during all tests.
- Translating test results and medical procedure summary into your language. A company representative will accompany you throughout all stages of the medical process, offering real time translation. Upon completion of the medical process, you will receive a summary of the results of the tests and treatment translated into your language.
- Post-treatment medical follow-up on your return to your home country. TrustMed maintains follow-up contact with you after your return home, to ensure appropriate healing and recuperative processes.