TrustMed doctors are the finest doctors the Israeli health care system has to offer.
We at TrustMed give our patients direct and immediate access to over 100 top physicians, who were carefully selected based on their unique achievements and skills.
Our approach at TrustMed is to allow patients to choose doctors best suited to their medical and personal needs.
At TrustMed, our medical director supervises patients’ entire medical treatment and provides guidance choosing the most suitable doctors.
TrustMed doctors are:
Highly Skilled – Our doctors have received training in leading American and European hospitals.
Most Experienced – Experienced in treating thousands of patients.
Leaders in Research – Our doctors are recognized worldwide leaders in academic research.
Most Knowledgeable – They bring cutting-edge research to patient care.
We take pride in being your partners in good health and are confident that we have the right doctors for you.